Wednesday, March 25, 2009
another 24 hours of grace

hey members (:

this is ur cellie speaking. how has everyone been coping so far? all good? hope u all are still taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide and not vice versa, i'll be very worried if otherwise.

just wanna encourage you all with this verse:

Psalms 28:6-7
praise be to the Lord,
for He has heard my cry for mercy
The Lord is my strength and my sheild;
my heart trusts in Him and i am helped
my hearts leaps for joy and i will give thanks to Him in song

even as you're struggling with uni or work or watever, rmb to always give thanks to God for all the good things that He has done. i find worship to be very helpful and good when praising God. be joyful in the things He has done and those which He will do. have faith that He has already helped you through. may there be joy in your hearts and you cope with life despite all the constant struggles and obstacles ahead. take each step at a time; each step by faith knowing that God walks with us EVERY step of the way.

will be praying still for you all (: rmb to keep each one in prayer always.
much love,

psst: there's gonna be a cell outing during the weekend before easter carnival and yes easter camp. since we're gonna take a break, why not go all the way and just let lose everything. get fired up for easter carnival and most of all easter camp (for those still unsure, please just go! seriously, it's the best ever. u learn so much you'll never learn in normal cells)

yes yes back to the outing, we're thinking of going down to mandurah to some farm after the last class on friday say evening. cell as usual. there will be some activities lined up for all you stressed-up-no-life-people (me included) suggestions welcome (: as well as time for sharing and reflection. then head back home by sat evening and we're all set for easter!!

but but BUT, this is not confirmed yet. i need to know who's interested and some other issues involved (explained in cell this fri) so please do come! it WILL be awesome(:(:

On 12:22 AM, ehly let go.