Thursday, March 26, 2009
friday - 27 march 2009

hello cellies!

how has your week been so far?
so sorry for this very late post, but to those who are still in the mist of their mid-sems text, exams and many many assignmnets still left undone.

weather is very super duper wonky now, so please please in this time of busyness and all, please take care of your health, sleep welll, drink more water and eat properly yah. (stop eating instant noodles! *you know who you are* haha)

okay anyways, main purpose of this update is THIS WEEK CELL.


venue: isaiah a.k.a weijun's house. (1/18 princess road)
time: 7.30 pm
(lets implement a forfiet to those who comes late...*ie.. buy
the whole cell BBT)

will be done by our dearest most loved cell leader : miss goh a.k.a. ehly
worship will be done by our cell helper who has been MIA-ed for the past 2
weeks : Mr Lucas lin
will be done by mr YeeXiang who promises not to be late for cell this

and last but not least... REFRESHMENTS will be done by ALL of us.
and the theme this week will be Marinated food.
so bring enough meat for yourself.. (ie.. 3 chicken, or a handfull of

haha. thats it for now.. if you have read to the end of this long and wordy post, give yourself a pat on the back. :D
and i will see you all tmr in cell!


OHOH, leave comments about what you wanna bring tmr.

On 12:39 PM, Anonymous let go.