Wednesday, March 11, 2009
God is still in control

hey dear dear cell members (:

how have uni and studies been? hope u all are still coping well and staying healthy unlike ur cellie who's all disgusting and sick and headachey with an awful leaky nose [ u have NO idea how much tissue i used and how often i use the toilet] yes yes, those of u who are feeling the bug comin down on u, please please please drink heaps of water and rest well.

so this is somethin new with this blog, under the wait for it column, when u move ur mouse over to an event, it actually has this pop-up which explains to u what where and when regarding that event. cool aye? heeeeeeeeeeeee :D

u know, though with all my flu-ey and uni stuff, i've always always looked forward to cell. and i wanna encourage ALL of you to have the same spirit. to be all out and on fire for God. whatever your worries, whatever your concern, whatever your burdens and whatever your anything, just commit them to God, give it ALL up for Jesus and let Him take the wheel of your life. for God is and will ever be in control.

am keeping u all in prayer.

much love,

On 7:21 PM, ehly let go.