Wednesday, April 1, 2009
food for thought

Heya Peeps! Hope your week has been coming along fine :) Great i hope? Hang in there guys, it's already Wednesday, 2 more days to...CELL! heh, looking forward to see and hear from you guys.  Just a quick update, Sam volunteered to play the guitar this Friday, and Jia li offered to worship lead :) woot...this is DA spirit we're talking about!  So has anyone volunteered for games and refreshments yet? heh. It's all about availing ourselves to be used, and i wanna commend them for taking the initiative. This leads me to a point which I've been thinking for the past week or so. 

God created every single one of us for His glory and purpose, we are so unique and different that no single one of us is the same. Wow, take a min and think about it. In each of us, He has given us different spiritual gifts and abilities. It may be compassion, a listening ear, evangelism, music, cooking, talking to new people, a heart for the lost, mathematical abilities, analytical thinking, teaching etc. The point im making is this, it can be ANYthing that you feel you are good and comfortable in :) Think of your past experiences and how u reacted and handled the situation. 

So if i may, I wanna challenge you guys to think about what you think your gifts are.(Both spiritual gifts and Abilities) Remember, we are all created differently, what you deem as insignificant, is not because the rest of us do not possess the same DNA and gifts as you! 

So the assignment for this week: 1) Think of what your giftings are 2) Think of how you may apply them

Hopefully we can share them if time permits (I really hope we do).  Let's come together with our unique gifts and abilities to build up the house of Christ! See you this Friday:)

In His love and mine,

On 2:05 PM, Luka let go.