Thursday, April 2, 2009

Good evening~~~girls+guys. as we waiting for who are volunteer to lead game and come up refreshment theme.
here have quite alot of funny funny things need to share : everyone ,please wear pajamas (sleep wear) this friday.
no worries, even i 'm going to take bus.I also will wear pajamas.Haha~~scare bus driver.joking la~never scare our dear bus captains!Salute!!
as someone do not know.In our church, we have a transperth's bus driver as our friend.So COOL~~~ I still remember last year's red bull air race.when i was getting off the bus to swan river, suddenly the bus captain looks very very very familiar,then i went back to bus and ask: "are you from zion church as well?" captain was very surprise :"yes!you too??" ofcouse i said yes. next moment, High-Five!at bus ,with bus driver. serious~ very funny~~at the end,he also asked me to say hello to all UWA's. HELLO~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ok~~~the most important things in this post are:
venue: Lucas's place( currie hall )so sorry edit so late

time: 7.30 pm (do not late like me.I'm so sorry.I will be there at 6:30.lets implement a forfiet to those who comes late...yeah~~~)

word will be done by our dearest most loved cell leader : miss goh a.k.a. ehly

worship will be done by our dear Sam & our cell helper Mr Lucas & mia for 1 week's Jiali

games will be done by Mr/Mrs??never mind,we have patient enough to wait for volunteer.Way to go~~~(no need pai xie, just show us your indeep spirit through the game, and Bully them!)

and last but not least... REFRESHMENTS will be done by ALL of us.and the theme this week will be breakfast .you are right. we are going to eat breakfast in the sorry,guys.Let's prepare breakfast at afternoon~~~~I'm going to bring fresh cut fruit.I bought a waterlemon(sorry,it's watermelon)I will try my best to bring. fresh cut chili also sounds good

thank you for reading this low level of writting.Thank you~~~and remember pray for wisdom and strength before prepare for school work.That's very helpful!!

God bless


On 12:40 AM, jiali let go.