Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hey there guys, how is everyone's week going. It's back to school once more and routine all over again. So much for the one week break huh (and two weeks for some of you). Sure didn't feel like much. Oh wells, I don't know about you guys, but my Easter break was certainly a blessed one with Easter camp being the highlight of it all. I feel pretty empowered to take on the rest of the semester....wakaka. I hope you guys feel the same too. But for those of you who have been going through a tough week, cheer up alrighty? Only about 8 weeks to go! Then one month break! Now isn't that something to look forward to.

Anyways, cell this week will be at a different venue. Instead of having it at the usual Ally's or Isaiah's place, Jonathan and Glen have been so kind to offer their place to us to have cell at this Friday. I for one am really thrilled about that. I heard it's a nice place hehe...Thank you Jonathan and Glen. So this Friday, please make your way to 17 Kingsway Street, Nedlands by 7.30 pm k. I don't know where exactly it is but I think Kingsway Street is along Fairway near to Edwards Street which is near to IGA. The theme for refreshment this week will be 'chinese'. I know I know, pretty boring stuff but sorry la, no idea what else to do lols. But hey, don't we all just love chinese food? And for all those of you who are going..(-.-)', and thinking "pfft, how original", you can think of something to do for refreshments next week =).

Regarding refreshments, I will be making sweet and sour chicken and anybody who feels like bringing anything, it will be very much appreciated. If possible, can you post in the 'voice it out' box or comment in this post what you are intending to bring? Thank you very much. We will also be having curry chicken courtesy of Sam's mum. Aren't we so blessed and lucky. When was the last time we had a nice, proper home cooked dish made by the loving hands of our parents. I certainly look forward to that. If you are reading this aunty, thank you very much for cooking for us eventhough we are not your children (>.<)'.

Alright, we will have Lucas and Sam conduct worship for us and as always, it is a pleasure. I will be doing games And Ally will be leading word although I've been told she has something a little different in mind this time. But it will be good. That will be all from me and I look forward to seeing every single one of you this Friday, except Faith la who has abandoned us to go back to Singapore to escape winter that is coming. There was some other reason why she had to go back but I can't remember what it is. Nola joking nia la. We all miss you dearly and hope to see you again soon. But while you're there, have fun and you can webcam with us during cell and hey, it will be like u never left!

On 3:19 PM, khang..... let go.