Thursday, April 16, 2009
Holiday is Just ... StartwithTheEnd!

Hey guys, how is the holiday week been? Time fly as fast as bee chasing for honey @@ . Hope you all finally have a rest of mind after fighting off half of the semester~whether its exams, assignments, research, friendships, relationships, family and last but not least, our personal relationship with GOD :)

Well, we should not be expecting anyone else but it has to be just us, that really knows where we stand or what are our goals and motives in our life are. This simply means that when it comes to our personal relationship with God, we are the ones who really know where we stand. Is personal relationship with God important? The answer is certainly clear.

Matthew 6:33-34
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

During this holiday, i am glad that i have a chance to go for passion camp-it helped me grow spiritually and more importantly it help me realize the importance of personal relationship with God. In the camp, i came to know several friends who is not christian yet, and when the chance of gossiping the gospel to them come, what they says about Christianity is like : every religion in the word is same, teaches us to do good things, should pay respect on all religions, does not want to commit to only one religion due to some circumstances, can solve things by my own, etc etc. Upon listening to these, i know what i should say to correct them, but as i begin to think further on the consequences of saying it out ( breaking of friendship , hurting them ), i actually become a coward, with no confidence at all to voice out the real gospel to them.

This lead me to find out that my own relationship with God is not strong enough. If it was strong enough, i would have to courage to stand firm for God.

What could we do to have a stronger bond with God?
1. Every morning just AFTER we wake up, BEFORE we do anything else, we should pray and thank God for another day HE has given us to live on by grace and through faith. Pray that HE will speak to us through the bible and start reading HIS WORDS sincerely.

2. After the reading, thinking and relating, we should talk to GOD by praying-what we learnt and acknowledge from the versus we just read.

It may seems hard to do this day in day out, but we should be obedience and place GOD on the center throne of our life and let HIM take control. Starts off slowly, 1 min ? 5 min ? and slowly you will find that you actually learn alot and enjoy the quiet session with GOD. Then, this will turns to be a hunger but not torture for HIS WORD.This is when we really build on our relationship with GOD. I would like to sums up with this quote:

The value of an action is the motive behind the action.

Cell venue: Allison's palace
Refreshment: Indo Mee and add ons and dessert and drink
Time: 8.00 pm 17th April


On 8:24 PM, Sam Ling let go.