Monday, April 6, 2009
what's stopping u?

heylooo cell memberrrrrrrrs!

i'm so tired i thnk i might just crashed on my laptop. anyways, how has your week been so far though it's only monday. looking towards the break? trust me, your cellie NEEDS a break. she's gonna dying young. ahahahahhahaha~~

i hope the quiet time is being worked at since our last cell. if not, what are u waiting for? get started already.

Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

oh and please start praying for the Easter Sunday as well as the camp. for those who have already signup for camp, start praying for urself, that you will be prepared in mind heart and spirit to receive all that God has to give. it's essential to go for camp expecting God to show forth Himself and not go for the sake of going. and for those who have yet to decide, seriously just signup for it. don't miss out. it's the only time in the entire year where you get to experience something you dont normally have. and like what francis said, if you want God to write that chapter in your life, you have to BE there!

oh and start inviting people for Easter Sunday k?

anyways anyways, this is what all you hard-working stressed out people are in for this friday. a treat from me to u: an amazing easter race!!

was hoping to do it intercell but if tisha's cell doesn't have great response then it would just be us.

now now, the condition of this race is:
1) YOU have to come!!
2) BRING someone new along [christian or not]

now, i NEED to know who's up for it before i can proceed to setting up stuff (: RSVP on the tag board by wed. please and thank u (:

God Bless.

On 11:13 PM, ehly let go.