Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Cell Chow at Ciao


How's the week been? A couple of weeks till exams but we'll keep pushing on yea? We're all in this together! =D

Here are the details for cell this week:

Dinner at Ciao Italia meet there at 445pm

Transport arrangement at the moment:

Derelyn: Kai, Deborah, Allison, Lucas
Jene: Isaiah, Khang Wee, Samuel

The plan is that we'll have dinner at Ciao Italia < 273 Mill Point Rd South Perth, WA 6151 > at about 530pm till about 7pm and have our cell at Allison's place after. And if we have the time (and energy), we can catch Xmen origins at Carousel at 930pm.

Roles for Cell:

Worship: Jon and Isaiah
Word: Lucas

Yep Yep.. that's it at the moment.. Please let me know if you have friends or visitors coming (or if i've left someone out by accident) yea? The more the merrier =)

See you all soon!

In His love and mine,

On 4:26 PM, Isaiah let go.