Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Exam timetables is out~Keep prayer for each of single us & Single day.Our unintied Spirit~!!

Hello,my brothers and sisters.Good new is Exam is coming!I hope everyone is speeding up with positive attitude.Never too late,right?!!
Sam,I'm sorry for i need to warn you in here.Stay away from games!
Pray for God's strength come to you, recover it and fully fill your deep self. Let everything in control in God.
Pray for real freedom you are able to feel through God. Games isn't real freedom and happiness. (I'm so sorry,sam)
Pray for keep growing up with God.Knows God is feeling sad to see us lose control. Think about your walk with God.How is it now?Guys,really think about it.

ok~Exam timetable: the earliest are Isaiah, Lucas and dear Deborah.
The latest is our dear Alli.
The busiest day is 9th June, 6 of our dear members will have exams at same day.
So far,I haven't get completed timetables from Euge and Yee Xiang.Keep prayer for them~!

Now till 29th May:

Lucas (rest well and have fun)

25th May:


5th June:

Isaiah-Essay(applied anthropsy)
Essay(communications studies)(Isaiah's ass last well and have fun~)

6th June:

Glen-master of commerce

8th June:

Yee Xiang-commerce
Jiali-Business Law-9am
June-Applied clinical science(cardio)
Glen-Master of commerce

9th June:

June-Anatomy & Pahology
Derelyn-Torts Law
Jon-Statics & Dynamics & Dimensional rensoning-2pm
Deborah-Print & screen culture
Sam and Jiali-Accounting-9am

10th June:
KW- Engineering Mathematics-2pm
June-Muscuiosceletal science
Derelyn-Criminal Law
Jon-Calculas & Statistics-9am

11th June:
Jon-Physics(jon's exam last day,OH~Yes~say goodbye to sem1,go home and hug Glen)
Glen-Master of commerce(Glen's exam last day,go home early and let Jon hug you)
June-Exercise physlology

12th June:
June-movemont science(no more last day.June~Jia you~)
Jiali-communication in business-6:45pm

13th June:
KW-Solid mechanics-9am
Deborah-Creative writing

15th June:
June- practical exam (finally~real last day~june want to cry already)

Alli-Molecular biology-2pm
Deborah-Geog(Deborah's exam last day,oh yes~oh yes!give a hug to june to celebrate~)

16th June:

Jiali-Management-8:30am(Jiali's exam last day,Yeah~shopping~)
KW-Thermofluids-2pm(KW's exam last day,Yeah~Yeah~rest~sleepZzz.)
Derelyn-Property Law
Yee Xiang-commerce(Yee Xiang's exam last day,pls come to talk to alli,hehe)

17th June:

Derelyn-Contract Law(Derelyn's exam last day,O~H~Yes!!!!)

18th June:

Sam-Stats(Sam's exam last day,Yes!Tota,I am coming~~)

19th June:

Alli-General Microbiology-9am(Alli's exam last day,yes~subway~I am coming)

Pray for God's strengths fully fill us,no matter how difficult they are,how tire we are.Let's refresh!
Pray for Peace come to us,let our hearts stay away of worry.
Pray for wisdom come to us,let us review all knowledge and understanding

Guys, I have a good advice for you: Pray before your every review. That's very helpful~!!!!!!!
See you on friday~Let's steamboat~Yeah~


On 10:20 PM, jiali let go.