Friday, May 15, 2009

greetings from the land UP UP ABOVE! :)

anyways, i actaully had something to share with you all, but i guess after being here for 1mth, and me procastinating to post it out.... "the feel" is no longer there.

so while your are eating SUPER NICE italian food in perth, faith shall just eat her yummy pink sauce pasta with loads of beef and mushrooms w/ spag. :)

anyhooos, this post is to just let your know that i am still alive and breathing. stuck in this stupid humid weather and ontop of that, heavy rain nearly every day! :X AND THAT I MISS PERTH VERY THE MUCHIE! :(

anyways... to those having exams soon, all the best for your exams... dun worry i will be in the same boat as you very very sooon :D
take care rest well and i will see you all on the 8th of june! :)

ps: I GOT ACCEPTED INTO CURTIN (quite old news, but yah..)... so you will still see me around for at least another 3.5 years! woooohoooooooooooo!
so as the above sentance says... I WILL BE BACK ON THE 8th OF JUNE.
Daisypath Vacation Ticker
so to those that misses me very badly... heres the countdown for you. HAHA

On 8:22 PM, Anonymous let go.