Wednesday, May 6, 2009


It's that time of the week again for some fresh updates for Friday's party! First of all, how's week 11 treating you? Even with the inhumane amount of assignments and tests due, hopefully you are still sane and in control, well since its only Tuesday! (School sucks, lets burn it down) We can do this!!

so here's the gist of Friday..

Venue: Allison's Crib
Time: 730 pm

Word: Pastor Patrick's disciple, Allison Goh
Worship: Jon
Games: June

as for refreshments, the theme for the week is MAKE YOUR OWN PIZZA. Basically, everyone brings an ingredient (or two) that they like and I'll supply the pizza base and sauces! Ingredients could be anything, ranging from your usual pepperoni, mushrooms, chicken pieces to exotic ingredients like.. kangaroo meat (ok maybe not that exotic), how about turtle meat? Timtams? Anything that you like or would like on your pizza, bring it!

So expect a great night of fun and (delicious) pizza, and spot the hopeless chefs.

Till then, Keep warm and Study Hard!

"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Press on.


On 12:59 AM, [j]n let go.