Sunday, May 3, 2009
let's FROG!!

hihi YOU!!

mann this blog is like ancient. so sorry. dont really have time to pose. but i got some interesting to share~ i got an sms from a friend from back home. this is how it went:

"..we werer under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure..but this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on GOD, who raises the dead!" -2corinthians1:8-9. dear lifeXtremers, let our troubles drives us closer to ONE who's in control! let's FROG - Fully Rely On God no matter what~

i feel this is very revelent especially with the up-coming exams, more dealines, assignements, test and what not. let's depend on God with ALL our heart. something my dad shared, why do God still ask us to pray to Him that He gives us our daily bread? like when we know God knows our every need and is our provider?

it's cause God wants us to really depend on Him even for the little minute things in life such as food. it's not so much about whether God provides anot but do we really fully rely on Him even in the most mundane things in life?

my challenge for u today till end of semester and even till ur last breath is to FROG! let's encourage each other today be it via prayers or sms-es or a simple phone call(:
we really need each other's support and as a cell, we should be there for one another.

until then, Ehly misses u all~~

hMmm: homework(: think bout what the things in life which u struggle to fully depend on God for esp in ur walk with God: things like trusting that He has better plans for u, surrendering to God, believing that even if things don't work out, He still has control.

deadline: during cell!! ahahahahah added pressure ><

On 7:30 PM, ehly let go.