Thursday, May 21, 2009
titleless post


how have everyone's mugging and eyebags been growing? don't overstress k? just some thought for you all to ponder bout.

have you ever wonder why is it that we humans tend to be satisfied in our spiritual being but never ever in our natural being when it is suppose to be the OTHER way round? now what is this girl talking about?

let me illustrate:

why is it that we would spend countless of hours mugging and burning the midnight oil just to do well in our exams or finish up our assignment to perfection till the very last second or train till our muscles ache just to be the best of the best BUT but but we are completely satisfied with our 5 min Bible flipping or 10 mins prayer while walking to uni? sounds familiar?

we squeeze every last bit of energry to strive for the best in this natural life. but what do we do about our spiritual? oh don't worry, i come to cell every friday and saturday FAITHFULLY.

still, it's so obvious that we're very much contented with where we are in our spiritual walk and never ever contented with our natural thins in life.

Natural: we always want more. more HDs. more time to study. more this more that

Spiritual: 5 mins? well AT LEAST i did it. i've been faithful cuz i do my QT everyday. so what if it's 10 mins?

when would we hear ourselves say: i have been mugging the in the presence of God or oh mannn this eyebags are getting very obvious due to the lack of sleep cuz i was so into the Word i couldn't put my Bible down.

now think about this:
we all know we dont last in this world forever so wherever we're heading to after this life, now which would be more beneficial for us to work on? Spiritual or Natural?

so now go repent before God! (ahahahahhahaha...NO really, i'm serious)

so tips here for you guys esp during these exams and deadline period:

Matthew 6:33

but Seek FIRST His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things WILL be given to you as well.

God first before anything else. Never be staisfied with where you are now with God cuz the moment we are satisifed with our walk with God, we start to backslide. Christians who are alive are always moving FORWARD not stagnant.

Never ever sacrifice your Quiet Time for Studies
but you can sacrifice Studies for Quiet Time
then you sacrifice your ENTERTAINMENT for studies
eg: FACEBOOK! MSN! On the phone with i duno who! DOTA! TV! YOUTUBE! you get the idea.

so keep praying for one another. sms to encourage. and please keep this in mind(:

YaY fatih is comin back (: we all miss her right right??

anyways, this fri is gonna be our last cell :(

so anyways,

Cell details:

Venue: My Place~ 1/149 Fairway.
Time: 7:30pm
Food: STEAMBOAT!! KW should have msged everyone by now. please cooperate and bring smth k?

God Bless! Happy mugging(:

On 12:42 AM, ehly let go.