Thursday, March 26, 2009
friday - 27 march 2009

hello cellies!

how has your week been so far?
so sorry for this very late post, but to those who are still in the mist of their mid-sems text, exams and many many assignmnets still left undone.

weather is very super duper wonky now, so please please in this time of busyness and all, please take care of your health, sleep welll, drink more water and eat properly yah. (stop eating instant noodles! *you know who you are* haha)

okay anyways, main purpose of this update is THIS WEEK CELL.


venue: isaiah a.k.a weijun's house. (1/18 princess road)
time: 7.30 pm
(lets implement a forfiet to those who comes late...*ie.. buy
the whole cell BBT)

will be done by our dearest most loved cell leader : miss goh a.k.a. ehly
worship will be done by our cell helper who has been MIA-ed for the past 2
weeks : Mr Lucas lin
will be done by mr YeeXiang who promises not to be late for cell this

and last but not least... REFRESHMENTS will be done by ALL of us.
and the theme this week will be Marinated food.
so bring enough meat for yourself.. (ie.. 3 chicken, or a handfull of

haha. thats it for now.. if you have read to the end of this long and wordy post, give yourself a pat on the back. :D
and i will see you all tmr in cell!


OHOH, leave comments about what you wanna bring tmr.

On 12:39 PM, Anonymous let go.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
another 24 hours of grace

hey members (:

this is ur cellie speaking. how has everyone been coping so far? all good? hope u all are still taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide and not vice versa, i'll be very worried if otherwise.

just wanna encourage you all with this verse:

Psalms 28:6-7
praise be to the Lord,
for He has heard my cry for mercy
The Lord is my strength and my sheild;
my heart trusts in Him and i am helped
my hearts leaps for joy and i will give thanks to Him in song

even as you're struggling with uni or work or watever, rmb to always give thanks to God for all the good things that He has done. i find worship to be very helpful and good when praising God. be joyful in the things He has done and those which He will do. have faith that He has already helped you through. may there be joy in your hearts and you cope with life despite all the constant struggles and obstacles ahead. take each step at a time; each step by faith knowing that God walks with us EVERY step of the way.

will be praying still for you all (: rmb to keep each one in prayer always.
much love,

psst: there's gonna be a cell outing during the weekend before easter carnival and yes easter camp. since we're gonna take a break, why not go all the way and just let lose everything. get fired up for easter carnival and most of all easter camp (for those still unsure, please just go! seriously, it's the best ever. u learn so much you'll never learn in normal cells)

yes yes back to the outing, we're thinking of going down to mandurah to some farm after the last class on friday say evening. cell as usual. there will be some activities lined up for all you stressed-up-no-life-people (me included) suggestions welcome (: as well as time for sharing and reflection. then head back home by sat evening and we're all set for easter!!

but but BUT, this is not confirmed yet. i need to know who's interested and some other issues involved (explained in cell this fri) so please do come! it WILL be awesome(:(:

On 12:22 AM, ehly let go.

Thursday, March 19, 2009
weekly post~ha ha

Dear my huge family members:
Ha ha~how is every one and every thing going??????

My week wasn't that good.attention "wasn't" this word.ok~that means I am fine now.ha ha ~simply my wallet got stolen like Eugene's.but compare to aborigines' stolen generation. wallet is nothing at all. a bit far the i need to remind yoy guys about do not leave too much cash in wallet.and do not leave important stuff from you, even in library.ok,the most important thing is following:
venue: unit 1/18 Princess road.nedland (Isaiah's new place.yeaah~~~~~)
Time: 7:30pm (yeaah~~~~)
Workship: Isaiah & Eugene

word:Isaiah & Alli

Games: Sam (Sam,no need pai xie.just bully them!)

Refreshment theme is: Italian (Guys,question: is our cell group prefer western food?)

pasta~~~potato~~~I don't know,anything~garlic bread?
comes up some photo about pasta's common knowledge~(it's not common sense)
Very looking forward to see each other tomorrow~
Bring notebook and bible,k?
ya~one more thing, so blessing ,I just got my latest visa~~yeah~~~~

God bless


On 1:25 PM, jiali let go.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
God is still in control

hey dear dear cell members (:

how have uni and studies been? hope u all are still coping well and staying healthy unlike ur cellie who's all disgusting and sick and headachey with an awful leaky nose [ u have NO idea how much tissue i used and how often i use the toilet] yes yes, those of u who are feeling the bug comin down on u, please please please drink heaps of water and rest well.

so this is somethin new with this blog, under the wait for it column, when u move ur mouse over to an event, it actually has this pop-up which explains to u what where and when regarding that event. cool aye? heeeeeeeeeeeee :D

u know, though with all my flu-ey and uni stuff, i've always always looked forward to cell. and i wanna encourage ALL of you to have the same spirit. to be all out and on fire for God. whatever your worries, whatever your concern, whatever your burdens and whatever your anything, just commit them to God, give it ALL up for Jesus and let Him take the wheel of your life. for God is and will ever be in control.

am keeping u all in prayer.

much love,

On 7:21 PM, ehly let go.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Marching On

Hello everyone! Updates for this week's cell =)

Time: 7:30pm
Venue: @ Allie's 1/149 Fairway
Worship: Eugene and Isaiah
Games: Khang Wee
Word: Allie

And...our refreshment theme is....
: Japanese!

Allie: Soba and Drinks
Faith: Katsu Chicken and Japanese Curry
Isaiah: Will attempt to bring Sushi ingredients
Jiali: Fresh Fruits?

Bring anything Jap! From Sushi to Sashimi to Katsudon, Karaage or even Udon and Soba =)

Please add here or in the chatbox what you're intending to bring!

Bring your writing materials, notebook and your bible yea? =D

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

I say ah

On 4:30 PM, Isaiah let go.

Thursday, March 5, 2009
first post~~

YaY it worked!!

anyways, this would be our cell blog (:
it would be use for cell updates, prayer requests, encouragement and anything relating to God.
so yea u know what to do.

so firstly for this cell on fri:

Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Allie's place [1/149 Fairway]
Worship: Eugene and Lucas
Games: Samuel Ling
Word: Allie
Refreshment theme: 7 Colours of the Rainbow!
(put ur names beside it or shout out in the chatbox)
Yellow: Allie

note there's gonna be much to do this cell and we have new visitors. so help around and dont stone in one corner :D


pst: if there's any mistake with regards to ur name, let me know yea. or anything u wanna add. thank u!

God Bless~

On 8:58 AM, ehly let go.