Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hey there guys, how is everyone's week going. It's back to school once more and routine all over again. So much for the one week break huh (and two weeks for some of you). Sure didn't feel like much. Oh wells, I don't know about you guys, but my Easter break was certainly a blessed one with Easter camp being the highlight of it all. I feel pretty empowered to take on the rest of the semester....wakaka. I hope you guys feel the same too. But for those of you who have been going through a tough week, cheer up alrighty? Only about 8 weeks to go! Then one month break! Now isn't that something to look forward to.

Anyways, cell this week will be at a different venue. Instead of having it at the usual Ally's or Isaiah's place, Jonathan and Glen have been so kind to offer their place to us to have cell at this Friday. I for one am really thrilled about that. I heard it's a nice place hehe...Thank you Jonathan and Glen. So this Friday, please make your way to 17 Kingsway Street, Nedlands by 7.30 pm k. I don't know where exactly it is but I think Kingsway Street is along Fairway near to Edwards Street which is near to IGA. The theme for refreshment this week will be 'chinese'. I know I know, pretty boring stuff but sorry la, no idea what else to do lols. But hey, don't we all just love chinese food? And for all those of you who are going..(-.-)', and thinking "pfft, how original", you can think of something to do for refreshments next week =).

Regarding refreshments, I will be making sweet and sour chicken and anybody who feels like bringing anything, it will be very much appreciated. If possible, can you post in the 'voice it out' box or comment in this post what you are intending to bring? Thank you very much. We will also be having curry chicken courtesy of Sam's mum. Aren't we so blessed and lucky. When was the last time we had a nice, proper home cooked dish made by the loving hands of our parents. I certainly look forward to that. If you are reading this aunty, thank you very much for cooking for us eventhough we are not your children (>.<)'.

Alright, we will have Lucas and Sam conduct worship for us and as always, it is a pleasure. I will be doing games And Ally will be leading word although I've been told she has something a little different in mind this time. But it will be good. That will be all from me and I look forward to seeing every single one of you this Friday, except Faith la who has abandoned us to go back to Singapore to escape winter that is coming. There was some other reason why she had to go back but I can't remember what it is. Nola joking nia la. We all miss you dearly and hope to see you again soon. But while you're there, have fun and you can webcam with us during cell and hey, it will be like u never left!

On 3:19 PM, khang..... let go.

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Holiday is Just ... StartwithTheEnd!

Hey guys, how is the holiday week been? Time fly as fast as bee chasing for honey @@ . Hope you all finally have a rest of mind after fighting off half of the semester~whether its exams, assignments, research, friendships, relationships, family and last but not least, our personal relationship with GOD :)

Well, we should not be expecting anyone else but it has to be just us, that really knows where we stand or what are our goals and motives in our life are. This simply means that when it comes to our personal relationship with God, we are the ones who really know where we stand. Is personal relationship with God important? The answer is certainly clear.

Matthew 6:33-34
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

During this holiday, i am glad that i have a chance to go for passion camp-it helped me grow spiritually and more importantly it help me realize the importance of personal relationship with God. In the camp, i came to know several friends who is not christian yet, and when the chance of gossiping the gospel to them come, what they says about Christianity is like : every religion in the word is same, teaches us to do good things, should pay respect on all religions, does not want to commit to only one religion due to some circumstances, can solve things by my own, etc etc. Upon listening to these, i know what i should say to correct them, but as i begin to think further on the consequences of saying it out ( breaking of friendship , hurting them ), i actually become a coward, with no confidence at all to voice out the real gospel to them.

This lead me to find out that my own relationship with God is not strong enough. If it was strong enough, i would have to courage to stand firm for God.

What could we do to have a stronger bond with God?
1. Every morning just AFTER we wake up, BEFORE we do anything else, we should pray and thank God for another day HE has given us to live on by grace and through faith. Pray that HE will speak to us through the bible and start reading HIS WORDS sincerely.

2. After the reading, thinking and relating, we should talk to GOD by praying-what we learnt and acknowledge from the versus we just read.

It may seems hard to do this day in day out, but we should be obedience and place GOD on the center throne of our life and let HIM take control. Starts off slowly, 1 min ? 5 min ? and slowly you will find that you actually learn alot and enjoy the quiet session with GOD. Then, this will turns to be a hunger but not torture for HIS WORD.This is when we really build on our relationship with GOD. I would like to sums up with this quote:

The value of an action is the motive behind the action.

Cell venue: Allison's palace
Refreshment: Indo Mee and add ons and dessert and drink
Time: 8.00 pm 17th April


On 8:24 PM, Sam Ling let go.

Monday, April 6, 2009
what's stopping u?

heylooo cell memberrrrrrrrs!

i'm so tired i thnk i might just crashed on my laptop. anyways, how has your week been so far though it's only monday. looking towards the break? trust me, your cellie NEEDS a break. she's gonna dying young. ahahahahhahaha~~

i hope the quiet time is being worked at since our last cell. if not, what are u waiting for? get started already.

Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

oh and please start praying for the Easter Sunday as well as the camp. for those who have already signup for camp, start praying for urself, that you will be prepared in mind heart and spirit to receive all that God has to give. it's essential to go for camp expecting God to show forth Himself and not go for the sake of going. and for those who have yet to decide, seriously just signup for it. don't miss out. it's the only time in the entire year where you get to experience something you dont normally have. and like what francis said, if you want God to write that chapter in your life, you have to BE there!

oh and start inviting people for Easter Sunday k?

anyways anyways, this is what all you hard-working stressed out people are in for this friday. a treat from me to u: an amazing easter race!!

was hoping to do it intercell but if tisha's cell doesn't have great response then it would just be us.

now now, the condition of this race is:
1) YOU have to come!!
2) BRING someone new along [christian or not]

now, i NEED to know who's up for it before i can proceed to setting up stuff (: RSVP on the tag board by wed. please and thank u (:

God Bless.

On 11:13 PM, ehly let go.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Good evening~~~girls+guys. as we waiting for who are volunteer to lead game and come up refreshment theme.
here have quite alot of funny funny things need to share : everyone ,please wear pajamas (sleep wear) this friday.
no worries, even i 'm going to take bus.I also will wear pajamas.Haha~~scare bus driver.joking la~never scare our dear bus captains!Salute!!
as someone do not know.In our church, we have a transperth's bus driver as our friend.So COOL~~~ I still remember last year's red bull air race.when i was getting off the bus to swan river, suddenly the bus captain looks very very very familiar,then i went back to bus and ask: "are you from zion church as well?" captain was very surprise :"yes!you too??" ofcouse i said yes. next moment, High-Five!at bus ,with bus driver. serious~ very funny~~at the end,he also asked me to say hello to all UWA's. HELLO~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ok~~~the most important things in this post are:
venue: Lucas's place( currie hall )so sorry edit so late

time: 7.30 pm (do not late like me.I'm so sorry.I will be there at 6:30.lets implement a forfiet to those who comes late...yeah~~~)

word will be done by our dearest most loved cell leader : miss goh a.k.a. ehly

worship will be done by our dear Sam & our cell helper Mr Lucas & mia for 1 week's Jiali

games will be done by Mr/Mrs??never mind,we have patient enough to wait for volunteer.Way to go~~~(no need pai xie, just show us your indeep spirit through the game, and Bully them!)

and last but not least... REFRESHMENTS will be done by ALL of us.and the theme this week will be breakfast .you are right. we are going to eat breakfast in the sorry,guys.Let's prepare breakfast at afternoon~~~~I'm going to bring fresh cut fruit.I bought a waterlemon(sorry,it's watermelon)I will try my best to bring. fresh cut chili also sounds good

thank you for reading this low level of writting.Thank you~~~and remember pray for wisdom and strength before prepare for school work.That's very helpful!!

God bless


On 12:40 AM, jiali let go.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
food for thought

Heya Peeps! Hope your week has been coming along fine :) Great i hope? Hang in there guys, it's already Wednesday, 2 more days to...CELL! heh, looking forward to see and hear from you guys.  Just a quick update, Sam volunteered to play the guitar this Friday, and Jia li offered to worship lead :) woot...this is DA spirit we're talking about!  So has anyone volunteered for games and refreshments yet? heh. It's all about availing ourselves to be used, and i wanna commend them for taking the initiative. This leads me to a point which I've been thinking for the past week or so. 

God created every single one of us for His glory and purpose, we are so unique and different that no single one of us is the same. Wow, take a min and think about it. In each of us, He has given us different spiritual gifts and abilities. It may be compassion, a listening ear, evangelism, music, cooking, talking to new people, a heart for the lost, mathematical abilities, analytical thinking, teaching etc. The point im making is this, it can be ANYthing that you feel you are good and comfortable in :) Think of your past experiences and how u reacted and handled the situation. 

So if i may, I wanna challenge you guys to think about what you think your gifts are.(Both spiritual gifts and Abilities) Remember, we are all created differently, what you deem as insignificant, is not because the rest of us do not possess the same DNA and gifts as you! 

So the assignment for this week: 1) Think of what your giftings are 2) Think of how you may apply them

Hopefully we can share them if time permits (I really hope we do).  Let's come together with our unique gifts and abilities to build up the house of Christ! See you this Friday:)

In His love and mine,

On 2:05 PM, Luka let go.