Thursday, May 21, 2009
titleless post


how have everyone's mugging and eyebags been growing? don't overstress k? just some thought for you all to ponder bout.

have you ever wonder why is it that we humans tend to be satisfied in our spiritual being but never ever in our natural being when it is suppose to be the OTHER way round? now what is this girl talking about?

let me illustrate:

why is it that we would spend countless of hours mugging and burning the midnight oil just to do well in our exams or finish up our assignment to perfection till the very last second or train till our muscles ache just to be the best of the best BUT but but we are completely satisfied with our 5 min Bible flipping or 10 mins prayer while walking to uni? sounds familiar?

we squeeze every last bit of energry to strive for the best in this natural life. but what do we do about our spiritual? oh don't worry, i come to cell every friday and saturday FAITHFULLY.

still, it's so obvious that we're very much contented with where we are in our spiritual walk and never ever contented with our natural thins in life.

Natural: we always want more. more HDs. more time to study. more this more that

Spiritual: 5 mins? well AT LEAST i did it. i've been faithful cuz i do my QT everyday. so what if it's 10 mins?

when would we hear ourselves say: i have been mugging the in the presence of God or oh mannn this eyebags are getting very obvious due to the lack of sleep cuz i was so into the Word i couldn't put my Bible down.

now think about this:
we all know we dont last in this world forever so wherever we're heading to after this life, now which would be more beneficial for us to work on? Spiritual or Natural?

so now go repent before God! (ahahahahhahaha...NO really, i'm serious)

so tips here for you guys esp during these exams and deadline period:

Matthew 6:33

but Seek FIRST His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things WILL be given to you as well.

God first before anything else. Never be staisfied with where you are now with God cuz the moment we are satisifed with our walk with God, we start to backslide. Christians who are alive are always moving FORWARD not stagnant.

Never ever sacrifice your Quiet Time for Studies
but you can sacrifice Studies for Quiet Time
then you sacrifice your ENTERTAINMENT for studies
eg: FACEBOOK! MSN! On the phone with i duno who! DOTA! TV! YOUTUBE! you get the idea.

so keep praying for one another. sms to encourage. and please keep this in mind(:

YaY fatih is comin back (: we all miss her right right??

anyways, this fri is gonna be our last cell :(

so anyways,

Cell details:

Venue: My Place~ 1/149 Fairway.
Time: 7:30pm
Food: STEAMBOAT!! KW should have msged everyone by now. please cooperate and bring smth k?

God Bless! Happy mugging(:

On 12:42 AM, ehly let go.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Exam timetables is out~Keep prayer for each of single us & Single day.Our unintied Spirit~!!

Hello,my brothers and sisters.Good new is Exam is coming!I hope everyone is speeding up with positive attitude.Never too late,right?!!
Sam,I'm sorry for i need to warn you in here.Stay away from games!
Pray for God's strength come to you, recover it and fully fill your deep self. Let everything in control in God.
Pray for real freedom you are able to feel through God. Games isn't real freedom and happiness. (I'm so sorry,sam)
Pray for keep growing up with God.Knows God is feeling sad to see us lose control. Think about your walk with God.How is it now?Guys,really think about it.

ok~Exam timetable: the earliest are Isaiah, Lucas and dear Deborah.
The latest is our dear Alli.
The busiest day is 9th June, 6 of our dear members will have exams at same day.
So far,I haven't get completed timetables from Euge and Yee Xiang.Keep prayer for them~!

Now till 29th May:

Lucas (rest well and have fun)

25th May:


5th June:

Isaiah-Essay(applied anthropsy)
Essay(communications studies)(Isaiah's ass last well and have fun~)

6th June:

Glen-master of commerce

8th June:

Yee Xiang-commerce
Jiali-Business Law-9am
June-Applied clinical science(cardio)
Glen-Master of commerce

9th June:

June-Anatomy & Pahology
Derelyn-Torts Law
Jon-Statics & Dynamics & Dimensional rensoning-2pm
Deborah-Print & screen culture
Sam and Jiali-Accounting-9am

10th June:
KW- Engineering Mathematics-2pm
June-Muscuiosceletal science
Derelyn-Criminal Law
Jon-Calculas & Statistics-9am

11th June:
Jon-Physics(jon's exam last day,OH~Yes~say goodbye to sem1,go home and hug Glen)
Glen-Master of commerce(Glen's exam last day,go home early and let Jon hug you)
June-Exercise physlology

12th June:
June-movemont science(no more last day.June~Jia you~)
Jiali-communication in business-6:45pm

13th June:
KW-Solid mechanics-9am
Deborah-Creative writing

15th June:
June- practical exam (finally~real last day~june want to cry already)

Alli-Molecular biology-2pm
Deborah-Geog(Deborah's exam last day,oh yes~oh yes!give a hug to june to celebrate~)

16th June:

Jiali-Management-8:30am(Jiali's exam last day,Yeah~shopping~)
KW-Thermofluids-2pm(KW's exam last day,Yeah~Yeah~rest~sleepZzz.)
Derelyn-Property Law
Yee Xiang-commerce(Yee Xiang's exam last day,pls come to talk to alli,hehe)

17th June:

Derelyn-Contract Law(Derelyn's exam last day,O~H~Yes!!!!)

18th June:

Sam-Stats(Sam's exam last day,Yes!Tota,I am coming~~)

19th June:

Alli-General Microbiology-9am(Alli's exam last day,yes~subway~I am coming)

Pray for God's strengths fully fill us,no matter how difficult they are,how tire we are.Let's refresh!
Pray for Peace come to us,let our hearts stay away of worry.
Pray for wisdom come to us,let us review all knowledge and understanding

Guys, I have a good advice for you: Pray before your every review. That's very helpful~!!!!!!!
See you on friday~Let's steamboat~Yeah~


On 10:20 PM, jiali let go.

Friday, May 15, 2009

greetings from the land UP UP ABOVE! :)

anyways, i actaully had something to share with you all, but i guess after being here for 1mth, and me procastinating to post it out.... "the feel" is no longer there.

so while your are eating SUPER NICE italian food in perth, faith shall just eat her yummy pink sauce pasta with loads of beef and mushrooms w/ spag. :)

anyhooos, this post is to just let your know that i am still alive and breathing. stuck in this stupid humid weather and ontop of that, heavy rain nearly every day! :X AND THAT I MISS PERTH VERY THE MUCHIE! :(

anyways... to those having exams soon, all the best for your exams... dun worry i will be in the same boat as you very very sooon :D
take care rest well and i will see you all on the 8th of june! :)

ps: I GOT ACCEPTED INTO CURTIN (quite old news, but yah..)... so you will still see me around for at least another 3.5 years! woooohoooooooooooo!
so as the above sentance says... I WILL BE BACK ON THE 8th OF JUNE.
Daisypath Vacation Ticker
so to those that misses me very badly... heres the countdown for you. HAHA

On 8:22 PM, Anonymous let go.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Cell Chow at Ciao


How's the week been? A couple of weeks till exams but we'll keep pushing on yea? We're all in this together! =D

Here are the details for cell this week:

Dinner at Ciao Italia meet there at 445pm

Transport arrangement at the moment:

Derelyn: Kai, Deborah, Allison, Lucas
Jene: Isaiah, Khang Wee, Samuel

The plan is that we'll have dinner at Ciao Italia < 273 Mill Point Rd South Perth, WA 6151 > at about 530pm till about 7pm and have our cell at Allison's place after. And if we have the time (and energy), we can catch Xmen origins at Carousel at 930pm.

Roles for Cell:

Worship: Jon and Isaiah
Word: Lucas

Yep Yep.. that's it at the moment.. Please let me know if you have friends or visitors coming (or if i've left someone out by accident) yea? The more the merrier =)

See you all soon!

In His love and mine,

On 4:26 PM, Isaiah let go.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


It's that time of the week again for some fresh updates for Friday's party! First of all, how's week 11 treating you? Even with the inhumane amount of assignments and tests due, hopefully you are still sane and in control, well since its only Tuesday! (School sucks, lets burn it down) We can do this!!

so here's the gist of Friday..

Venue: Allison's Crib
Time: 730 pm

Word: Pastor Patrick's disciple, Allison Goh
Worship: Jon
Games: June

as for refreshments, the theme for the week is MAKE YOUR OWN PIZZA. Basically, everyone brings an ingredient (or two) that they like and I'll supply the pizza base and sauces! Ingredients could be anything, ranging from your usual pepperoni, mushrooms, chicken pieces to exotic ingredients like.. kangaroo meat (ok maybe not that exotic), how about turtle meat? Timtams? Anything that you like or would like on your pizza, bring it!

So expect a great night of fun and (delicious) pizza, and spot the hopeless chefs.

Till then, Keep warm and Study Hard!

"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Press on.


On 12:59 AM, [j]n let go.

Sunday, May 3, 2009
let's FROG!!

hihi YOU!!

mann this blog is like ancient. so sorry. dont really have time to pose. but i got some interesting to share~ i got an sms from a friend from back home. this is how it went:

"..we werer under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure..but this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on GOD, who raises the dead!" -2corinthians1:8-9. dear lifeXtremers, let our troubles drives us closer to ONE who's in control! let's FROG - Fully Rely On God no matter what~

i feel this is very revelent especially with the up-coming exams, more dealines, assignements, test and what not. let's depend on God with ALL our heart. something my dad shared, why do God still ask us to pray to Him that He gives us our daily bread? like when we know God knows our every need and is our provider?

it's cause God wants us to really depend on Him even for the little minute things in life such as food. it's not so much about whether God provides anot but do we really fully rely on Him even in the most mundane things in life?

my challenge for u today till end of semester and even till ur last breath is to FROG! let's encourage each other today be it via prayers or sms-es or a simple phone call(:
we really need each other's support and as a cell, we should be there for one another.

until then, Ehly misses u all~~

hMmm: homework(: think bout what the things in life which u struggle to fully depend on God for esp in ur walk with God: things like trusting that He has better plans for u, surrendering to God, believing that even if things don't work out, He still has control.

deadline: during cell!! ahahahahah added pressure ><

On 7:30 PM, ehly let go.